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Thursday, October 20, 2005

Trial by Liar

Rizgar Mohammed Amin, the chief of the judges at the trial for Saddam Hussein, asked him his name.

Saddam replied: "You know me. You are an Iraqi and you know who I am. Who are you? I want to know who you are. I did not hire you. I will not answer to this so-called court, with all due respect. The occupation is illegitimate. I maintain my position as president of Iraq and I have the right to remain silent about my identity."

Editorial by me: "Does Saddam not realize that he gave up who he was in the first
half of that sentence?"

Amin said: "Mr Saddam, we ask you only now to prove your full name, title and profession. Then you will be given a chance to talk."

Saddam continued ranting for about 10 minutes. Finally, Amin read his name for him, and referred to him as the "former" president.

Saddam angrily replied: "I said I'm the president of the republic of Iraq. I did not say deposed."

Amin, a Kurd, replied calmly: "You say what you say."

Amin then read them their rights and the charges. He followed that by asking how they each plead, starting with Saddam: "Mr. Saddam, go ahead. Are you guilty or innocent?"

Saddam was holding his copy of the Quran he brought with him the court, and replied faintly: "I said what I said. I am not guilty," referring to his arguments earlier in the session.

Amin read out the plea, "Innocent."

After a few hours of legal dancing, the case was adjourned until November 28.

Ahhh, the power of beauracracy!

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