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Thursday, November 24, 2005

Bush Impeachment?

"Mr. President, this job can't be fun for you any more. There's no more money to spend--you used up all of that. You can't start another war because you also used up the army. And now, darn the luck, the rest of your term has become the Bush family nightmare: helping poor people. Listen to your Mom. The cupboard's bare, the credit cards maxed out, and no one's speaking to you.

Mission accomplished. Now it's time to do what you've always done best: lose interest and walk away. Like you did with your military service and the oil company, and the baseball team. It's time. Time to move on and try the next fantasy job. How about cowboy, or space man? Now I know what you're saying: you're saying that there's so many other things that you as President could involve yourself in. Please don't. I know, I know. There's a lot left to do. There's a war with Venezuela. And eliminating the sales tax on yachts. Turning the space program over to the church. And Social Security to Fannie Mae. Giving embryos the vote. But, Sir, none of that is going to happen now. Why? Because you govern like Billy Joel drives.

You've performed so poorly I'm surprised that you haven't given *yourself* a medal. You're a catastrophe that walks like a man. Herbert Hoover was a shitty president, but even he never conceded an entire metropolis to rising water and snakes. On your watch, we've lost almost all of our allies, the surplus, four airliners, two trade centers, a piece of the Pentagon and the City of New Orleans. Maybe you're just not lucky. I'm not saying you don't love this country. I'm just wondering how much worse it could be if you were on the other side.

So, yes, God does speak to you. And what he's saying is: ' Take a hint.' "

Bill Maher

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Monday, November 21, 2005

Here we go again!

By: Me

Amid the recent attacks on his administrations policy, President Bush on Sunday softened the White House's lashings to those critical of the Iraq war, saying they have "every right to voice their dissent."

Bush specifically cited Rep. John Murtha (D-Pa.), a decorated Vietnam War veteran and longtime armed forces advocate who called last week for the U.S. to withdraw its troops. Not two days prior, spokesman for Bush, Scott Mclellan, had assailed Murtha, saying that Murtha's idea would only encourage terrorists and compared him to liberal filmographer Michael Moore. But on Sunday, Bush called Murtha, "a fine man, a good man, who served our country with honor and distinction."

"I know the decision to call for an immediate withdrawal of our troops by Congressman Murtha was done in a careful and thoughtful way," Bush said in Beijing. "I disagree with his position." The debate over Bush's handling of the war and when and how to withdraw american troops dominated his trip to Asia, which was a weeklong.

But on Sunday, Bush said he would "totally reject" the idea that criticism of the war is unpatriotic. "This is not an issue of who's patriotic and who's not patriotic," he said. "It's an issue of an honest, open debate about the way forward in Iraq. I am confident we will succeed in Iraq."

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice also welcomed dissent on the war, stating that politicians might "respectfully disagree" with her belief that the invasion of Iraq will remake the Middle East.

My issues:

Those who think that Americans might not have the right to express there dissent should try reading and old document. It's called the Constitution of the U.S. of A.

Democrats have compared George W. Bush to Adolf Hitler at times, and all the Republicans can compare people to is Michael Moore? Wake up, do some research, and find someone more intimidating than Michael Moore to compare "evil" Liberals to.

Why is our president speaking about our troop withdrawls in Beijing? What the hell do they have to do with anything? As a matter of fact what does any of this have to do with Beijing? Beijing is the capital of China, unless there is a Beijing North Dakota that I don't know about. Is he talking about all of this to try to assuage China's fears over a US invasion of their Sovereign country? China has over 1 billion people! If they only had loincloths and rocks they wouldn't be afraid of America invading!

Last, but not least, why is our Secretary of State, our chief diplomat, talking about how our invasion of Iraq will remake the entire Middle East? Maybe we should give her the Secretary of Defense position, and Donald Rumsfeld the Secretary of State position. We all know how well he can tap dance around actual issues with a flair for the dramatic. While we're at it, let's make Dick Cheney the Secretary of the Interior. After all he is always inside some secure bunker somewhere. Then let's switch the Secretaries of Labor and Education. Most people don't even know their names anyway. (Department of Labor:Secretary Elaine Chao;Department of Education:Secretary Margaret Spellings)

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Monday, November 14, 2005

Medieval Gifts

Okay, I found more medieval stuff. Maybe you know someone who'd like one of these?

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Texas Hold Up

Okay, this one's a doozie! My sister found this one and told me about it.

Texas Bans All Marriage?
Is it possible that in their zeal to ban gay marriage in Texas, the Christian Right has crafted a constitutional amendment that would in fact ban all marriage? That seems incredible, but it also seems possible based upon the language used.

Jonathan Ichikawa quotes the proposed amendment to the state constitution:

Sec. 32.
(a) Marriage in this state shall consist only of the union of one man and one woman.
(b) This state or a political subdivision of this state may not create or recognize any legal status identical or similar to marriage.

Ichikawa comments:

Texas cannot recognize any legal status identical or similar to marriage! I'm not sure what all would count as identical or similar to marriage, but I do know of one legal status that is definitely identical to marriage: marriage! I didn't realize the Texas legislature was so broadly anti-family.

Read more here

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Sunday, November 13, 2005

Knights of the Round Robin

Okay, so these places have a lot of good medieval stuff, and I know a lot of people who like that kind of thing, so I offer you these to try and get a jump start on your holiday shopping. Enjoy!

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Saturday, November 12, 2005

French Toasted


The number of cars set ablaze by rioters rose slightly again on Friday night, and two fire bombs were thrown at a mosque in southern France, damaging the entrance.

Some 500 vehicles were set ablaze across France, compared to 463 the previous night, and unrest hit areas including Strasbourg, Marseille, Lyon and Lille. But there were fewer incidents of violence in the Paris suburbs, police said.

"We've gone back to an almost normal situation in Ile de France (greater Paris region)," national police chief Michel Gaudin told reporters.

The Paris ban on large gatherings went into force at 10 a.m. (0900 GMT) and was due to run until 8 a.m. (0700 GMT) on Sunday. The heart of the city has largely escaped the violence that has plagued impoverished neighbourhoods just outside the city.

Three thousand extra police were brought into Paris on Friday, the Armistice holiday marking the end of World War One.

The unrest was triggered by the accidental deaths of two youths who were electrocuted on October 27 as they hid in a power substation just north of Paris while apparently fleeing police. It later spread to other cities and towns across France.

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Editorial by me: So the French enact a curfew to try to stop this violence, expecting that the people fighting police, looting, firebombing, and generally being law-breakers, are suddenly going to not break this law? Does this make sense to anyone? If I were one of these rioters, why would I stop doing my thing, just because they added a new law to which I am violating. Someone very wise once said, "A lock will only stop an honest man."

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Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Just Alito Too Much For Me To Bare

Alright, I knew I would eventually find something upsetting about Alito, but this is pretty bad in my opinion:

From the News Tribune

WASHINGTON – The facts of the case were stunning: A 10-year-old was strip-searched in her home by police officers whose warrant authorized only the search of her father, a suspected drug dealer.

To the other judges who heard the case, the law seemed clearly on the girl’s side: The purpose of a warrant is to limit the scope of permissible searches.

But Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito saw it differently. And his ruling opens a window onto one facet of his judicial philosophy.

Alito said the girl’s search, while unfortunate, was justified because supporting documents broadened the warrant’s sweep.

It was a technicality, he said, that the particulars were left out of the warrant itself, and that was no reason to punish good cops who were just doing their jobs.

He was the only judge hearing the case who thought the police acted properly.

Editorial by me: I believe the Nazis said it best:'I was only doing my job. I'm a good person.'

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Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Vive la Revolution!

Excerpt from the NY Times:

After a series of mostly ineffectual pledges by French leaders to restore order and crack down on lawbreakers, the government resorted to a 50-year-old law, dating from the Algerian war, which authorizes local officials to enforce nighttime curfews for up to 12 days, starting at midnight tonight.

"The republic faces a moment of truth," Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin said in announcing the decree during a grim-faced address in Parliament. "A return to order is the absolute priority."

President Jacques Chirac, who called an emergency cabinet meeting to adopt the curfew decree, said nothing publicly today, continuing to keep a low profile amid the worst unrest here in a generation. That lack of public visibility by Mr. Chirac, who suffered what was thought to be a mild stroke in September, has contributed, critics say, to an atmosphere of political drift during a time of crisis.

The chaos, and reports of isolated unrest in Belgium and Germany, have even rattled the euro, Europe's common currency, helping drive it today to its lowest level against the dollar in two years.

Editorial by me: Didn't old Louis hide from the peasants when thwey started rioting? Smell those Freedom Fries burn!

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Monday, November 07, 2005

Legal Beagles

Okay, this comes from Duhaime Law. This is real stuff uttered in actual courts.


Was that the same nose you broke as a child?
Now, doctor, isn't it true that when a person dies in his sleep, in most cases he just passes quietly away and doesn't know anything about it until the next morning?
What happened then?
He told me, he says, "I have to kill you because you can identify me."
Did he kill you?
Was it you or your brother that was killed in the war?
The youngest son, the 20-year-old, how old is he?
Were you alone or by yourself?
What is the meaning of sperm being present?
It indicates intercourse.
Male sperm?
That is the only kind I know.
Can you describe the individual?
He was about medium height and had a beard.
Was this a male or female?
How long have you been a French Canadian?
How far apart were the vehicles at the time of collision?
Mr. Clark, you went on a rather elaborate honeymoon, didn't you?
I went to Europe, sir.
And did you take your new wife?
Do you have any children or anything of that kind?
I show you Exhibit 3 and ask you if you recognize that picture.
That's me.
Were you present when that picture was taken?
Were you present in court this morning when you were sworn in?
Now, Mrs. Johnson, how was your first marriage terminated?
By death.
And by whose death was it terminated?
Do you know how far pregnant you are now?
I'll be three months on November 8.
Apparently, then, the date of conception was August 8?
What were you doing at that time?
Mrs. Jones, do you believe you are emotionally stable?
I used to be.
How many times have you committed suicide?
So you were gone until you returned?
She had three children, right?
How many were boys?
Were there girls?
You don't know what it was, and you didn't know what it looked like, but can you describe it?
You say that the stairs went down to the basement?
And these stairs, did they go up also?
Lawyer: What device do you have in your laboratory to test alcohol content?
I have a dual column gas chromatograph, Hewlett-Packard 5710A with flame ionization detectors.
Judge: Can you get that on mag wheels?
Only on the floor models.
Have you lived in this town all your life?
Not yet.
All you responses must be oral, ok? What school did you go to?
Are you qualified to give a urine sample?
Yes, I have been since early childhood.
Doctor, how many autopsies have you performed on dead people?
All my autopsies are performed on dead people.
Do you recall approximately the time that you examined the body of Mr. Brown?
It was in the evening. The autopsy started about 8:30 p.m.
And Mr. Brown was dead at the time, is that correct?
No. He was sitting on the table wondering why I was doing an autopsy!

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MAHE, Seychelles Nov 7, 2005 — Pirates who attacked a cruise ship off the coast of Somalia grinned as they aimed grenade-launchers and machine guns at the deck and staterooms, some passengers said Monday, recounting the ordeal after safely docking in this Indian Ocean archipelago.

The ship escaped by shifting to high speed and changing course, and the cruise line said Monday the crew also used a sonic weapon, which blasts earsplitting noise in a directed beam, as it tried to ward off the attack.

"I tell you, it was a very frightening experience," Charles Supple, of Fiddletown, Calif., said by phone.

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Thursday, November 03, 2005

Let them eat cake

AULNAY-SOUS-BOIS, France Nov 3, 2005 — A week of riots in poor neighborhoods outside Paris gained dangerous new momentum Thursday, with youths shooting at police and firefighters and attacking trains and symbols of the French state.

Facing mounting criticism, Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin vowed to restore order as the violence that erupted Oct. 27 spread to at least 20 towns, highlighting the frustration simmering in housing projects that are home to many North African immigrants.

Police deployed for a feared eighth night of clashes, after bands of youths lobbing stones and petrol bombs ignored President Jacques Chirac's appeal for calm a day earlier.

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Editorial by me: Isn't this what the beginning of the last French revolution looked like to the rest of the world?

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